Curtis Prevo

What was I here for?

Posted by in Laughter, Stories

Ugh, I can’t remember what I was here for.  My calendar just says I’m supposed to be here to meet someone.  I guess I’ll just wait over here with you.  I don’t think I know anyone else here. Anyway, did you see that new film with what’s-his-face?  He was in that other one with that hilarious guy–you know.  Anyway, I’m pretty sure it will get an Oscar.  If it doesn’t, you know there’s something wrong with that system. Speaking of awards, did you hear what happened at the Emmys?  My…read more


The man in the doorway

Posted by in Laughter, Life, Stories

I opened the door and saw a half-naked man in front of me.  Well, at least the half I could see was naked, and I can’t really speak for the other half because I quickly averted my eyes. “Put some clothes on!” I yelled. My mind went back to the exciting first few days.  I met my new cellmate.  We had quite a bit in common, but nothing to talk about.  He only lasted about four months.  He was moved to a different cell block. I remember the first time…read more


Public restrooms: public enemy numbers 1 & 2

Posted by in Laughter, Life, Stories

When you need to go, the last thing you want to happen is to be assaulted by the very facilities you trust with your discreet business.  Unfortunately, with the state of today’s technology, assault has become a commonly employed method for moving people through quickly, allowing businesses to decrease the number of stalls necessary for a given number of patrons.  It makes business sense, but it doesn’t make business sense.  (Yes, Robby, that was “pun-gent”.  So was the title.  So is the subject of this post.  Punception!) Automatic Flushing Are…read more



Posted by in Stories

I’ve always been a great hunter.  They say I’ve managed to cut the local animal population in half.  I doubt that.  It certainly hasn’t slowed down my sport if it has. My brother?  He likes to cook.  He likes to garden.  He has the most pathetic beard I’ve ever seen.  I don’t think he has ever been away from Mother for more than a day.  It’s just embarrassing. One time I was away from home on a long hunting trip.  I was hunting animals for their skins.  I ended up…read more


The tales of Generic(Gender)!

Posted by in Laughter, Stories

The Tales of GenericBoy Generic(Gender) It was hh:mm when the phone rang.  Generic(Gender) answered it with his or her usual greeting:  “Hello, this is Generic(Gender) speaking.” The voice on the other end seemed to have emotion. “Hello, Generic!  I was meaning to speak with you.  I have a question to ask.” “Go right ahead and ask,” said Generic(Gender). “Would you like to attend my gathering in the near future?” he or she asked. Without doubt or hesitation,  Generic(Gender) stated, “Of course.” The time passed before the gathering was to take…read more